Fiona Chan
Introducing the new found K-A-Y-A gang!!!
We got the word kaya from the kaya that was on the table when we were yumcha-ing in Old Town..
Initially it was only ka-ya-kai..
But it expanded to included 3 more peeps in Cameron Highlands..
It was a result of 4 of us randomly crapping in the car in Cameron..=D

The K-A-Y-A-S...=)

From the left:

1.Kayakugs @ Father kugs @ Evil one/Other evil one - My partner in plan plan "keji"..=P
The "healthy" one that has already "bertaubat" a loooong loooong time ago..

2.Kayakai @ Lame Queen @ Evil kayakai - The one whom God has granted the gift of being THE EFFORTLESSLY LAME QUEEN.. *she reclaimed her loss throne in Cameron Highlands..=D" Believe me, she can be super lame without even trying to be..
Her latest hobby includes tagging ppl as random things and framing "innocent" ppl like ME!!!

3.Kayachan @ Kayafish @ Evil one/Other evil one - Apparently kayafiona doesn't sound nice!?! Just because fi-o-na is not ONE FREAKING SYLLABLE!!!

4.Kaya fei @ The Forgetful One @ Evil kayafei - The one who came up wif the name ka-ya-kai..credits to him for being so "creative"..=P

Random pic of the K-A-Y-A-S..=)
Will blog about Cameron Trip some other time..=P

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